
Mirko Bunge

Claudio Wald


Julian Breinersdorfer Architekten

Concept & Design

Room meets Freiland


beyond visual arts

Responsible for the content

AREEF Sàrl.GE.2.4.

15 Boulevard F.W. Raiffeisen
2411 Luxembourg


This website was created by Ardian Real Estate Europe Fund (AREEF) for information purposes only. It does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract. Although this website has been created with the greatest possible care, errors or incomplete information cannot be ruled out. Ardian Real Estate Europe Fund (AREEF), its directors, officers or employees are not liable for the accuracy and completeness of the information. In particular, they are not liable for the statements, plans or other information about the company, its affiliated companies, strategies, market and competitive situations, etc. contained therein. Any inaccuracies or incompleteness of the information shall not give rise to any liability, either for direct or indirect damages. Any statements on legal and tax matters contained on this website should not be regarded as legal or tax advice. No disclosure to third parties.
Status: June 2024